Steps for Writing a Research Paper Conclusion

Finishing your research paper with a strong conclusion is just as important as the introduction and body. The introduction draws readers in, and the conclusion brings everything together. This way, it ensures your work feels complete and purposeful. 

The final section of the paper gives you the opportunity to put emphasis on your main arguments, highlight the significance of your findings, and leave a lasting impression. A well-written conclusion not only strengthens the key points of your research but also gives readers a sense of closure and understanding.

In this guide, we will discuss how to write an impactful conclusion for a research paper. First, we will look into the various types of conclusions to consider. So, let’s get started!

The Importance of Conclusion in Paper

The conclusion paragraph is a short but powerful part of any research paper. It is the crux of the whole content. The concluding statements deliver the important information to the readers quickly. A sound conclusion for a research paper is essential to remind the readers about the main points of the research. The conclusion paragraph can help to refocus the attention of the reader on the supporting arguments. It can also serve as a basis for continuing the research by providing a broader implication of the topic.

In the conclusion paragraph, all the key points are summarized, which allows the audience to understand the context completely. That’s how it improves the engagement and retention of the reader. Moreover, it can help to enhance your communication skills and make your research paper stand out. In simple words, a conclusion makes your content more accessible and understandable for the audience.

Types of Conclusions

Before starting the process of writing, it is important to learn how to summarize a scientific research paper & which type of conclusion is suitable for your research paper. A conclusion can be written in any of the three types.

Summarizing Conclusion

A summarizing conclusion is the most common method of concluding a research paper. In this method, the research question is repeated, and all the arguments are summarized into a paragraph to wrap up the discussion.

Editorial Conclusion

An editorial conclusion is written for research papers that are focused on proving a particular perspective. This type of conclusion is less common as it involves presenting a powerful opinion based on the research findings.

Externalizing Conclusion

An externalizing conclusion is used in theoretical or explanatory papers. In this type of conclusion, the research is extended beyond the scope of the paper. It suggests the future implications of the research findings.

Steps to Write a Conclusion

Writing an engaging conclusion paragraph can increase the impact of the research content. A strong conclusion is one of the key elements in effective writing tips for academic papers. However, condensing all the content into a small paragraph seems a little difficult while maintaining relevance and clarity. Here is a complete guideline to write a coherent and engaging conclusion paragraph for your research paper.

Create a Conclusion Outline

To start with, sketch out a basic outline for the conclusion paragraph. It will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all the important points without getting off the topic. An outline will work as a roadmap to guide you through what needs to be included to make the conclusion clear and effective.

Reiterate the Thesis

Restating your thesis is an important step. It gives an understanding of the statement and reconnects the audience to the main topic. This is an effective way to provide context for the readers. Therefore, it is recommended that you start your conclusion paragraph with the topic.

However, don’t just copy it word to word from the introduction. Instead, paraphrase it. It will help you to instantly rephrase the thesis statement in a way that will reflect the knowledge gained throughout the paper. The ability to paraphrase plays a crucial role in enhancing the writing capabilities of a person which in turn encourages a person to engage and articulate their thoughts more effectively.

Summarize the Main Points

The next step is to summarize the key findings or arguments from your paper. Focus only on the most important information that will be relevant to your audience. This is not about going into too much detail but rather offering a concise wrap-up of the essential points.

For this purpose, consider using the text summarizer. This tool can help you condense complex information into clear, concise summaries, making it easier to highlight the core messages of your research.

Connect to the Introduction

In the introduction, we often discuss what follows in the whole content. This brief can be used in the conclusion, too. You can refer to an idea, question, or scenario you introduced at the beginning to tie the whole paper together in a meaningful way. This step can be done by answering the question directly or by concisely writing about how you proved the points.

Sum Up with a Decisive Sentence

The last sentence is very significant in the conclusion paragraph. It could be a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a reflection on the broader implications of your research. The goal is to finish on a strong, clear note that stays with the reader.

Ending with a strong closing sentence will support the main message. The last sentence of your conclusion paragraph must be clear, direct, and decisive. Make sure you leave your reader with something to ponder or act upon.

Revise & Edit

Lastly, the written content is revised to find and remove any writing errors. Spelling mistakes or grammatical errors can completely ruin the context of the content. So, it is always suggested to proofread the content before finalizing it.

For this purpose, the grammar checker can be a good option as it is the smartest way to do this task. Unlike manual proofreading, it analyzes all the mistakes in under a minute. Moreover, it also provides suggestions for correcting any errors and maintaining accuracy.

Additionally, to ensure originality in your conclusion paragraph, a plagiarism checker helps detect any unintentional duplication allowing you to maintain originality in your writing.

Last Words

Writing the conclusion of your research paper is more than just writing a brief summary of the content. It’s about joining all the main points together and providing a wrap-up of the discussion. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can craft a conclusion that supports your research and adds value for the readers. Remember, the conclusion can help you to highlight the value of your work. Take the time to revise and refine it. Make sure that it’s clear, concise, and impactful. Finish strong, and let your research paper stand out among other researchers.